About Us

From Clubhouse to real life - Music Patch is developing artists like no organization before them

Our team is diverse - spanning across the globe with a wide range of specialties and expertise within the scope of the music industry. While we may not all come from the same place, we’re united under a singular goal to uplift creatives and co-create a better future for artists everywhere.

The History of Music Patch

  • In the midst of the 2020 pandemic, Music Patch founder PATCH BAE discovered Clubhouse - an invite-only social networking app that hosted conversations with an audience. While waiting to start a studio session one day, she created her first Clubhouse board, titled “Sing or Rap for me Acapella”. Unknowingly, she had begun what would become a non-stop 27-day talent show for artists all over the world. As her new show started to gain traction, she took advantage of her 13 years of music industry experience, bringing in industry icons and incredibly influential behind-the-scenes players to give feedback and critiques to the artists who would perform for her, thus bringing even more value to her audience. Over the course of the next year, she’d host more shows every day, eventually expanding to multiple shows in multiple countries at the same time. The community grew to over 5,000 artists, producers, executives, and more, who gave themselves the name “Music Patch” after the host they would wait 6+ hours to perform for.

  • By 2021, the Music Patch name became synonymous with a number of artists who came to perform for us daily, and we began to realize we could only help them so much through an app. In an effort to give her community a place to gather outside of Clubhouse, PATCH BAE hosted the first Music Patch Camp at Ultrium Studios in Los Angeles, CA. Artists from all over the globe flew to the Golden State to learn the finer points of Studio Etiquette, Songwriting, Arrangement, and more from PATCH and her team in the form of a 3-day workshop. The success of the first camp led to two more - another in Los Angeles and a third in Munich, Germany with some of our European artists and producers.

  • With the success of the Music Patch Camps in 2021, a new era was in store for us and our artists going into 2022. Governments were allowing people to return to their regular lives, and thus jobs and responsibilities took precedence over Clubhouse for artists everywhere. Our community scattered, some getting caught up in life’s challenges while others struggled to find a home amongst Clubhouse’s new competitors such as Twitter Spaces, Spotify Greenroom, and others. As rent-relief programs came to an end and inflation began to rise, artists everywhere were being crushed by financial issues, and we set out to find a way for them to continue to support the careers we’d seen them build over the past two years. Thus began our exploration into the tech industry, partnering with emerging communities and digital nomads to show artists how to use blockchain technology to support their music and connect with their fans on a deeper level. Over the course of 2022 we helped multiple artists create and launch their first NFT projects, grow and strengthen their relationships with their communities, and put together a number of networking events and mixers for creatives to connect with investors and power players who could help them move forward without signing their life away to a 360 deal.

  • With 2022 coming to a close, we now had more reach into the business and financial side of music than ever before, and had put together a trusted team to show our artists how to take control of their financials and their communities. With Clubhouse being declared dead by social media, however, we were still in need of a home. In 2023 we announced the Music Patch Manor - our new base of operations and an oasis for artists everywhere to create without limits. Our new location gave our artists a safe space to be themselves, and included a BnB room for them to stay, a full-service recording studio with engineers, a “Tiny Desk”-esque performance and filming space, and a 7,000sq ft outdoor space with pool, spa, and a stage for them to perform on. The Manor brought us back to our roots - helping musicians create their best music. This change also introduced new services to our artists, including in-house recording and mix engineers, vocal producers, performance coaches, and vocal coaches for them to learn from. The Manor became our launchpad for all future endeavors, and brought us closer to our artists than ever before.

  • As 2023 nears its end, we can’t wait to see what 2024 will bring for our community. With the continuation of Music Patch Studios, we’re focused on helping the artists we love to create their best music yet, and providing an environment for them to call home. We hope to also usher in a new frontier for Music Patch, including distribution options for our artists, sync/licensing partnerships, and access to our growing network of experts.

Meet the Team


Head Engineer


  1. Family: Music Patch is a family. We grow together as one and strive to create at the highest level

  2. Everybody Eats: We encourage artists to build their own teams around them and introduce them to the people we know can help them grow

  3. Respect: No one knows where any song or artist will end up, and we foster a community that respects the process of creating great music and never shames or imparts on anyone’s creativity

  4. Feedback Is Key: We believe honest, constructive feedback from peers is key to a long-lasting, successful music career

  5. Fairness: We’re building a better music industry together that prioritizes giving credit where it’s due and makes sure people who work get paid

  6. Positivity: Our community will always strive to uplift one another

  7. Loyalty: We believe in building long-lasting relationships with our clients

  8. Inspiration: Our engineers and vocal coaches understand that the core of their mission is to inspire their clients to create their best work

  9. Inclusivity: Great ideas can come from anyone, and great music comes from collaboration

  10. Education: We can always improve and learn more as creatives

Gear List

    • Computer: iMac 2012

    • Interface: Apollo Twin

    • Preamps: Apollo Twin

    • Mojave MA1000

    • Warm Audio WA47jr (Upon Request)

  • Monitors

    • Kali IN-8 V2’s

    • JBL LSR305’s (Upon Request)

    • Yamaha HS5’s (Upon Request)


    • Audio Technica ATH-M50x

    • Blue MixFi

  • DAW’s

    • Pro Tools

    • FL Studio


    • Waves: CLA-2A, H-Delay, PuigChild Compressor, WavesTune Real Time, C6, Doubler, GTR3, Key Detector, Infected Mushroom Pusher, NLS, SSL G Channel, SoundShifter, Playlist Rider, Vitamin, OVox, RComp, REQ, RVerb, Super Tap, C1, Brauer Motion

    • Slate Digital: All Access Pass

    • Izotope: Ozone 9, RX8 Standard, Insight

    • Synchro Arts: VocAlign Project 5

    • Celemony: Melodyne Assistant

    • Antares: Autotune Access

    • SoundToys: Little Alterboy